Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We run as a prayer...

I woke up this morning and my body began to shake as I wrote out the staggering numbers concerning the devastation abortion has brought on our Nation.  Today is the 41st anniversary of Roe v Wade and as thousands of Pro Life supporters converge in Washington DC for the annual March for Life I am in prayer over them.  I find it sad that very few news networks will give this amazing event much pause, that people will not see the thousands of people standing up for life, that only a few will know the amazing unity that will take place amongst them.

I watch as my friends and teammates post updates about their travel and the impending weather and I feel in the depth of me a tingle as I see how spiritual this whole event is.

3 months ago a large group of LIFE Runners made the journey to South Dakota to run as a team in the Run Crazy Horse marathon.  We were united in prayer and ready to stand boldly for the Unborn and the enemy attacked.  We were hit by Winter storm Atlas that caused chaos in the surrounding area.  Many LIFE Runners made it to the area only to be stuck in hotels for the duration of the weekend as feet of snow dropped and power was lost to much of the area for almost all of the weekend.  The damage was catastrophic to our region, and my daughter and I personally were stuck without power and heat for nearly a week.  The race was canceled but our spirits found renewal during this time of team fellowship and camaraderie, even I felt close to everyone while following them on social media.  It was clear that we would not race together, but in the next few weeks many of us found alternative races and ran boldly for the Unborn.

Now as these LIFE Runners and other Pro-Life groups march in DC they are met again with a winter weather, and all I know is that the enemy is scared and we are winning.  I find it to be no coincidence that again the weather tries to silence us, but we will not be silenced.  I can only lift my teammates up in prayer but there is power in prayer, amazing power! I know that the message won't be silenced, if anything maybe the weather will give them the media attention that this rally deserves.  There is one scripture that I offer up as a prayer for my fellow teammates for LIFE, the scripture that reminds us that we are not only fighting against the world but it is a spiritual battle that rages on and we have the enemy scared.

Ephesians 6:10-12 (NIV)
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. For our struggle is not against the flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Here are the facts:
In America, 23% of pregnancies end in abortion (that is nearly 1 in every 4).
35% of women have had an abortion.
4,000 children die every day from abortion (that's more dying every day than those lost on Sept 11)
Over 1 million babies are killed each year (a number that far out weighs the deaths of the holocaust in the 41 years since Roe v Wade)
64% of post abortion women say they were coerced and 84% felt they had no other choice.
Every successful abortion ends a human life...

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