Thursday, September 3, 2015

Run into the Wind

Yesterday I went for a 7 mile run.  It was my first long run since the marathon and it felt so good!  It was, however, a hot day.  I noticed that even though I was not having a hard time with the run, I was getting tired from being so hot.  It wasn't until I turned around and headed back that I realized why the run had seemed easy and hot.  The wind had been at my back giving me a boost but not offering me any cool air.

As I continued back thankful for the breeze I was fighting against it really got me to thinking.  How often in life do we get just a touch off course, and not quite notice the gentle push we are getting from behind until we start to get uncomfortable and realize something isn't quite right?  Sometimes life can seem really easy when you step outside of Gods will, the enemy likes for it to be easy, but there will be a growing discomfort for those who know Gods voice.  I'm not talking about major things here, I'm talking about those small missteps that then lead us in the wrong direction.  Maybe it is a purchase that you left God out of when you should have consulted Him first (we have one of those floating down at the dock), or maybe it is the office gossip that you listen to a little to much, or the TV show that you probably shouldn't watch but can't seem to give up, or the music that you are singing along with.  Things that in and of themselves are not necessarily sinful, they start small, and seem harmless but before you know it the wind has pushed you far down the wrong path and you are starting to feel the heat!

Then you hear God call you back and it requires some work, you are going to have to run against the wind to get back to where you need to be.  The awesome thing is that when God calls us to do something hard he offers us relief and comfort, that breeze that you have to fight also cools you.  That wind that you struggle against strengthens you in every way.  God doesn't tell you to do something difficult and then leave you too it, he attends to you while you follow Him.  I just can't get over His provision and great love for us.  He truly is all that we need!

I am happy for the reminder to take a look at my life daily and make sure there are not any coarse corrections that need to be made.  God isn't finished with me yet and for that I am thankful.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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