Saturday, October 13, 2018

I'm Going All In!

It has taken me a few days to collect my thoughts and to finally sit down and attempt to put them on “paper.”  There is so much more I could say about my time in Long Beach, but these seem to be the points that have impacted my heart, that I feel at liberty to share. Others I will keep treasured in my heart for a later time. One thing is certain, these race weekends are life changing….

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 3:17

Long Beach Marathon weekend was one of blessings and revelation. We arrived in Long Beach not quite sure what God was going to do, but certain this race was going to be like no other.  Long Beach Marathon would be the first race in our 10 years of ministry that accepted us as a charity and had given us the opportunity to have a booth at the race Expo.  We did not know how we would be received, but we knew that we were going to take advantage of this open door!

When the “field” is ripe for harvest there is no holding back the floodgates. That was our experience at Long Beach.  People flooded our table with support and joined the cause.  It was becoming apparent that abortion no longer holds the approval of the masses, as the truth of its destruction and tragic devastation is becoming more deeply understood by people who once rode the fence.  It was an amazing experience and the way that the race allowed us the freedom to share and to promote was very unexpected, praise God!

There are things that will always stand out to me when I walk away from a team weekend and take time to reflect.  Although there were many encounters, some good, some bad, they all showed me that God is moving in the hearts of the people and the devil is not happy about it.  We may have been flipped off and some spit on, but we were also encouraged, high five’d and rallied around.  Life matters, and people are not so eager to dismiss the value of the unborn any longer, the fight is reaching the hearts and minds of many, and silence is no longer an option!

On Saturday just as we planned to go pray at the Planned Parenthood, Judge Kavanaugh was voted in.  Not only were we headed to the the front lines of our battle, but we were headed there when the pro-abortion advocates would most certainly be upset and possibly ready to retaliate.  We headed prayerfully prepared to stand in silent, peaceful, protest in front of a place where innocent lives were ended each day and mothers left broken and families shattered.  As we arrived we lined the sidewalk and began to pray.  I watched as the security guard approached the window on the phone and my heart sank, knowing that the police were on their way and having no idea what that might mean for us.  I do not believe that courage is the absence of fear, but the choice to stand in faith in the face of fear.  I bowed my head and prayed, telling God that I would not be distracted by whatever might happen, that I would trust Him and I would pray until I was told I couldn’t stay.  As the sound of many sirens of police cars drew closer, I kept my heart centered on praying for the women who felt they had no other choice and protection over the babies whose lives were in danger.  The sirens came very close and I prayed that God would send Heavens angels armies to protect us, I wouldn’t know until the next day how amazingly God answered that prayer.  The sirens stopped in the distance and we stood our ground and prayed for an hour.  My heart was overcome by the sadness of such a place, I hated the way it bragged its presence with its tall building overshadowing everything on the block.  It made me angry that the devil and his lies had reached so many, leading them only into a brokenness they could have never imagined.  We finished our time in prayer, uninterrupted, and moved on to visit the Pregnancy Resource Center around the corner.  What I found out the next day is that the police did show up, only the six cars came and blocked the road so that we could peacefully protest without altercation.  God sent guardians, of that I have no doubt!

Race day was one that I was physically not prepared for.  I have struggled so much to regain my fitness following my surgery, but my faith is not in my abilities but in how God will provide! I had the privilege of running with a very dear friend, and we promised to stay with each other for the whole race.  During our run we read the Bible verses that my Fiji teammates wrote on my jersey out loud for all the hear. It was such an awesome time of pressing in and trusting God as we ran and prayed for others out loud and silently.  As we entered into the beach stretch, miles 8-10, my body was exhausted.  Anna told me that this was the most brutal point of the race in past years because there is no shade and the sun blazes down on you.  As we stepped out into the “desert” God covered the sky with the thickest cloud. It was incredible. The sun didn’t shine again on us until we turned onto the shaded part of the course, the pillar of cloud had led us out of the heat and into the shade!  The last 3 miles left me completely at the end of myself and it was then that God spoke to me with a powerful illustration.  Along the final 3 mile stretch people from the community lined the streets with treats and encouragement.  They were there because they wanted to be, most of them probably didn’t know a single runner.  I saw ahead of me, a woman with a bowl of pretzels and my heart was encouraged!  I thanked her as I took this much needed treat and her response was “my pleasure.” That act of selfless kindness didn’t cost her much, but it meant everything to me!

Now picture a different story, one where the weary runners hit the home stretch but instead of support they are met with “you will never make it” “just give up now” “jump in my car, ill drive you to the finish, no one will ever know.” Any form of negativity during an endurance race can destroy you.  That is why people are there to cheer, because we all know that even one word of encouragement, one high five from a stranger, one act of kindness is all it takes to dig deep and press forward.

When we tell women in unplanned pregnancy that they should abort we are telling them that they can’t do it, that they aren’t good enough, that they are not able to rise above, that they are weak.  Abortion is not an out, it may be a way to attempt to bypass a situation, but it's cost is astronomical and the life taken can not be brought back. Abortion does not empower women it cripples them, and telling someone to abort is not cheering them on, it is cutting them off at their knees!  The pro-life advocates strive to cheer on women, to remind them of the strength they have forgotten.  We want to encourage them to move forward and to not give up.  Life is not a choice that you regret!  

In the Pro-Life movement, we don’t just cheer the women on at a mile marker, if they are struggling we drop our signs and offer to run them home!  For most of us, our relationship with the women we meet continues on through life. We are there after the baby is born and if the mother chooses, for the remainder of their lives! We know that it takes a village to get through the dark days and the struggle and that is what many of us offer, to become that village. We also don’t leave behind the women wounded by their past abortions, we lift them up and help them stand again so that they can move forward in their lives with regained hope in the Lord.

I don’t know what you have been through, or what you are preparing to face, but I can tell you that I along with my 9,000 teammates will be there to cheer you on, to pray for you, to walk with you, to encourage you and to never give up on you if you will let us!  I will tell you a secret about long distance runners, we aren’t in it for the sprint, that is just the warm up!  We are in it for the long haul, and if you will let us, we will see you to the finish and beyond! We choose love, we choose life, we choose to trust the details to God and to step out into the unexpected plan that He has written on all of our lives….

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,"
 -Hebrews 10:24

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Silence Is Destroying Our Youth

Silence is destroying our youth. As I read again about another young girls life being destroyed by nude pictures of her being shared over social media my heart breaks, it breaks and breaks some more. I simply can't stay silent any longer....

Dear young women, I want to apologize to you. We have failed you. We failed you when we taught you that woman’s rights are about sexual liberation and that modesty was an antiquated idea. We failed you when we handed you birth control and condoms and expected you to make decisions well beyond your maturity concerning societies idea of sexual freedom. We failed you when we stopped encouraging you to feel powerful by staying home and raising your family, that this too is a worthy path for a woman. We failed you when we made you think the only way to count yourself a success was to climb the corporate ladder. We failed you when we taught you that to be delicate was a sign of weakness and to be fierce was the way to stay on top. We failed you by not giving you a solid foundation built on faith, but by letting this moral gray of emotions infiltrate our families. We have failed you when we remained silent while the world told you how to live. But we will not be silent anymore, it has gone too far.

Today as I scrolled through instagram and Facebook my heart breaks as I see so many girls in dresses and clothing that cover so little. We as women have failed our daughters because we have allowed them to believe that beautiful and sexy are the same thing. I look at you in your sexy outfits and wonder if you know how beautiful you are when you are covered. I wonder if you know that elegance is the most beautiful state of a woman. Elegance, not being sexy. To be elegant is to simply radiate who you are without showing the world all that you have. Elegance is saying I am more than a body, but my body is sacred and it is not for you or anyone else. My body is mine, it is pure and it will stay off limits to you until you are willing to commit to being mine forever in marriage. Elegance is knowing your worth, and I will tell you that you are worth so much! Your worth, you see, has nothing to do with what others think of you, your worth has nothing to do with your accomplishments, your dreams, or what you look like. Your worth, well its worth more than life. I know that because your life was paid for on the cross. You will never truly find your worth and know your value until you know Jesus. Until then you will keep believing the lies of the world that tell you your worth is attached to your successes and failures, your popularity and your appearance, those who love and hate you. As long as your worth is connected to any of these things, it will hold you prisoner to them.

I pray that when you look in the mirror again, you will see what God sees. You are a beautiful daughter of the Most High God and to Him you are worth more than life, you are worth dying for. I pray that you will choose elegance, and reject the idea that to be noticed you need to wear less. The right man, the one that God hand picked for you, he will see your radiant beauty (inside and out) even when your body is covered. Know your worth my beautiful young women, and decide that you are worth more than to dress as if you are worth less.

One Hit Wonder

We all know that holding onto our past failures will keep us from moving forward, but equally concerning is resting in your past success. Although success is something to be celebrated it is also something to grow from and improve upon. Don’t let your life become a one hit wonder! Just as with our mistakes, we should learn from our success and press forward! Don’t stay planted where you are, always be growing!

Philippians 3:12
Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold by Christ Jesus.

If at any point we feel settled in our faith then we need to re-evaluate our walk with Jesus. Until we leave this life we should never stop growing and learning! When we gave our lives to Jesus He gave us the Holy Spirit who is there to help us grow. We all have spiritual gifts, but they require us to put them into practice! You don’t take a gift given to you and put it in a drawer, you use it and the spiritual gifts we are given are no different!

2 Timothy 1:6 AMPC
That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire]. That is in you by means of the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination].

We need to put in conscious effort to grow spiritually. God is faithful to provide, but we must put in the effort and have the desire.

1 Timothy 4:15
Take pains with these things; we absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.

Fear or Faith

Fear drives us to compromise. Seeking human approval and affirmation leaves us with fear which directs us from our uncompromising commitment to God and His plan for us. The moment you compromise you are telling God that His standard matters less to you than the opinion of your friends and peers. 

God has given us a new life. Life that is free from the fear of man. A life that gives us the freedom to live as He calls us to live. When we put our hope in God we will be uncompromising. It is not enough to seek wisdom if we don’t apply it to our daily lives. We must walk out our faith, people must see Him in us.

“But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
‭‭James‬ ‭2:18‬ ‭

To know God is to live for Him. It’s not divisible. Your life either reflects God in you or the world in you, the choice is ours alone. Wisdom is learning to apply what God has revealed to your heart, but it requires a constant flow of grace in your life. The Holy Spirit will lead and direct us, but we must cleave to Him. Our lives are our greatest testimony without ever saying a word...


To gain knowledge is not enough, we must also be doers of the Word. To grow we must practice, put the things we are learning into action. Often we desire to grow but then worry when it seems like everything is falling apart. Stop for a moment and ask God to open your eyes. Perhaps God is helping you in just the area you have been seeking to grow. It is one thing to hear the Word, but God knows that until we apply it we won’t be able to fully comprehend it.

Ask for peace, expect a storm. Ask for patience, expect to be tested. Ask for long-suffering, expect a trial. Ask for endurance, be prepared for a marathon. When we ask God to grow us in an area we can expect him to cultivate the soil that we are planted in. We can expect pruning and sometimes he may even need to transplant us to new fertile ground with a greater area to grow. If you want to walk on water you’re going to have to trust Him enough to step out of the boat!

Serenity and Storm

The “serenity prayer” is a good prayer of reminder to all of us about our need for God! There are certain things that come our way that are simply part of our path, God has allowed them to come to pass and we need not rage against Him but cling to Him. There are things that happen because of our choices, and those things may require us to make changes, change can be hard and we need God to help us. In the Presence of God comes wisdom and understanding, how close we walk with the Holy Spirit makes a significant difference on how clearly we can see what is happening around us. No matter what is happening, God is with us and He will never leave!

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”
~Reinhold Niebuhr

The Joy of the Lord is our strength. That joy holds fast regardless of the storms that rage around us because it is not connected to our circumstances but comes to us directly from our Creator! He is unmoved, He will not fail, He knows our beginning and our end. I thank God that no matter what the world throws at us God has given us victory in His Son Jesus!

Falling on My Sword

When little kids first start playing soccer you always have that one kid who gets the ball and is really excited and without realizing it runs the ball the wrong way and scores a goal for the other team. Oh man, if only that applied to children and sports! Unfortunately sometimes we do the devils dirty work without too much help from him.

I can honestly say these last few months have not been easy and this weekend has been struggle after struggle but today I blew it. The devil didn't have to defeat me, I did it all by myself. At first it appeared I had scored a goal for the other team, but God soon revealed that was not the case. As I poured my heart out to God in repentance for my attitude and angry words He opened my eyes to see that I had fallen on my own sword. Although the devil had a few laughs at my expense it didn't last long, you see, he forgot what sword I was carrying....

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Our family makes a habit of putting on the Armor of God each day, but today I didn't take the time to put it on and when attack came I was not ready and as I stumbled I fell on the one piece of armor I was holding, the Sword of the Spirit. The very Word of God pierced right to the heart of me and opened my eyes to my weakness, revealing a place that I need to have repaired and restored. God swiftly brought me to a place of healing repentance. The devil wanted me to walk around feeling guilty and broken for my words, he wanted me to skip church and stay home ashamed of my behavior, instead of falling into his deception I fell on my sword and God restored me!

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

It hurts to fall, especially to fall on a sword, but praise God for His abundant restoration! The enemy is cunning but he cannot stand against God. What the devil means for harm God will use for good and today I praise God for showing me a weakness and reminding me that I need to put on His armor every day!

Psalm 119:71
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn from Your statutes.

Who Do You Serve

“"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him."”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:24‬ ‭

There is a basic and simple truth in this life, we all serve something or someone. Those who claim there is no God have chosen to serve the pattern of this world which has become their god. Our lives are slaves to the things we invest in. Each day there are a million things pulling in a million directions but ultimately what your heart loves the most, your heart will show the most attention. Serve God or serve the idols of this world, it’s one or the other. We were created to serve, it’s in our design. The choice is a serious one, but the choice is ours.....

“But if it seems wrong in your opinion to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Choose the gods whom your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live. But my family and I will serve the LORD."”
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬

Growing Pains

My daughter is eight and right now she’s experiencing growing pains. We explain to her that growing pains are part of life and part of getting bigger and stronger.

Today as I read Romans 5:3 “and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;” I realized that if we approach our trials, pains, and struggles as growing pains then we can approach them with joyful expectation.

Today I choose to see my struggles as a growth spurt! Growing pains hurt, but result in change for the better. When we are faced with struggle and we hold fast in faith believing that growth is taking place we can focus on what is being accomplished not on what we are feeling. Growth may be painful but it is always good, our attitude during the growing pains is up to us! We can grumble or we can rejoice!

Unpopular Truths

I read the best illustration by John Bevere today on the dangers of not addressing sin. I will paraphrase;

“Sin is “cancer”, the church is meant to diagnose the “cancer” so we can treat it early, but churches that focus on grace alone allow someone who has “cancer” to feel confident that they aren’t really sick. This kind of teaching ignores the “cancer” in our lives, reassuring us that we are fine meanwhile the “cancer” grows out of control and eventually kills us. But addressing the “cancer” early on gives us the opportunity for immediate action to stop it in its tracks, saving our life.”

We find ourselves living in a time when truth is not popular but we need to take seriously the call to speak the truth. Some Christian churches of today are leaning more and more away from addressing sin but instead are only on focusing on grace because it is what people desire to hear. This is not the design of the church as God intended!

“Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭

Speaking truth in love is how lives are saved!

Monday, March 12, 2018

The South Pacific Walk for LIFE (2018)

I want to share my journey with you from my time during the South Pacific Walk for Life......
Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
The LIFE Runners race theme for 2018 is “Be the Light” Matthew 5:14, so when we started to plan the 2nd Annual South Pacific Walk for Life we chose to continue that theme. This year we were excited and expectant! Last year had been an awakening in our prayer lives and we were ready for God to ignite us in a whole new way! The South Pacific Walk for Life is a way for Fiji LIFE Runners to take part in the A-Cross America Relay by taking on remote Relay miles and a way to engage other Christians and our community as they come to join us!
When God put the vision of this walk on my heart I never could have imagined the way He would expand it and use it to touch our community of Christians! It is not uncommon for people of the South Pacific to take on 24 hour or more in prayer vigil, but never before had we asked them to pray and walk! There is something powerful about being poured out physically while you pour your heart out to the Lord! It draws you into your desperate need for Him to be in everything! When you haven’t slept for 24 hours, when you have walked miles upon miles, when the rain comes and brings blisters, when the mosquitos eat you alive and the heat of the day tries to tackle you and yet you still continue to walk and pray you will not walk away unchanged! 
I have learned the discipline of prayer during physical activity from my hundreds of hours of marathon training. I can tell you that there is a time to hit your knees in prayer and there is a time to take a stand and march around the “Jericho’s of our lives.” The South Pacific Walk for Life helps us to spend dedicated time doing exactly this! We reached out to God for our needs, our families needs, our friends needs, and for strangers prayer requests. We prayed for an end too abortion and its destruction. We had a bucket overflowing with the requests that had been sent to us and from us. Every time you picked up a request you were giving someone else your time and attention. Praying for strangers can be powerful. I heard many prayers were answered, many people were encouraged, healed and delivered and still we will never know the impact we made. I know that God was glorified, I know that He was on that field with us!
The morning of the walk I felt I needed to pledge a marathon for the 24 hours. I would walk 26.2 miles on no sleep and I would do it with joy in my heart. I have never cut a run short. Every time I step out to run there is a distance I will reach and I never go less, sometimes I choose to go more. As day broke after walking all through the night I realized that this would be the most challenging marathon of my life. The mosquitos had eaten my legs and the blisters from wet socks had taken over my feet. The night had been amazing, the peace, the solace, the sound of praise and worship that the youth carried on for all hours of the night. I was praying over all attending the walk, I was asking God to give me direction on how to lead them, I was praying for my family and others. Watching that glorious sun break through the night was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever experienced. I felt drenched in Gods love.
As the morning wore on and the day crew teammates arrived, I saw new life being breathed into the group. The night crew didn’t leave, most of us that were there through the night stayed the full 24 hours. I only left for about 2 hours total to take care of Ella Mae’s needs. With half of my miles done by midmorning I realized that this 26.2 miles was going to be hard to achieve. I am a runner! It takes far more discipline to walk these kinds of distances! I could run it in 5 hours but it would push on 9 hours of walking for me to complete! I started to question if it was possible, I started to doubt my commitment. My blisters screamed at me, and my body said just run! I began to pray, asking God if I could be released from my 26.2 and if 20 miles was sufficient….The answer was no! You can finish this, don’t give up, it matters!
As I started out on my last 10k I realized that my commitment to LIFE Runners, my commitment to the ones who were walking with me and my commitment to God was one of never giving up. As I cried out to God for them, for the prayer requests and the people who surrounded me, I ran a few laps. I felt alive in spite of being exhausted, I felt God urge me forward in spite of the pain, I felt empowered to finish what I had started, to tell the devil I wasn’t going to quit, that I won’t give up because God is with me and I will never stop serving Him as He calls me! As I began to alternate running and walking laps God reaffirmed in my heart that He would call me to go great distances, and that He would give me the ability to finish. I looked around and saw that as I ran, other teammates who are also runners began running. It was the peak of the day, the absolute hottest point and we began to run. I realized that I need to lead as God calls and that others will follow. That I need to stay close to the Lord so that I know where I am to lead this team. 
As I walked again I began to have concern for those walking around me. I could see that the heat was causing struggle. I looked to the sky and prayed for rain. As I walked and prayed for rain, I realized that I only wanted rain if it served Gods purpose, so I changed my prayer and asked God for His will. It was during my praying that I could actually see the rain with my eyes even though the rain had not yet come. I knew that the rain was coming. I thanked God and pressed forward. I started on my last leg of the session just in time for God to open the heavens and pour out upon us! It was glorious an refreshing! When we stand in prayer, and we are in agreement with Gods will, we need to visually see what we are asking for! See it done in faith! Speak it done in faith!
As the day finished and my miles were done I took time to rest with the others and listen to the beautiful praise and worship. Some of our night crew returned refreshed and ready just as the deluge of rain began. My heart was completely filled as I watched them, dry and clean, step out into the pouring rain to walk their legs again! In this day and age we don’t like to be uncomfortable, we don’t like to be inconvenienced but here were people who had already done beyond their committed miles and yet they chose to be soaked in the rain and join the others walking and praying! That is what it looks like to be sold out to God. Over that 24 hours over 100 people came and showed the community that they would do anything to get closer to God, that they would face struggle, pain, exhaustion, weather, anything that came to spend that time in prayer! I have never been so touched to experience something so powerful!
As we finished Pst Kami of Nadi SPEF gave a powerful message! He and his wife truly blessed us with their testimony and the word God gave him to speak! It was exactly what we needed to hear! You would think that we were all tired, but we were ignited in The Spirit! Heaven came into that hall and we all began singing and dancing and praising! We had just spent 24 hours being poured into by our Heavenly Father and it was glorious! The testimonies came, the praise came, the day closed and we all came together on that wet, mosquito infested field and Ryan closed us in a powerful prayer. Next year are are praying for 800 to cover the South Pacific Walk for Life, we are praying for dozens of churches to attend. 
Sunday morning as I opened the Bible to start my day before church God clearly answered me. God gave me 3 scriptures, one after the other! I have been asking Him what next, how do I carry this ministry forward? Where does He want me to go. Never has an answer been more clear. I will walk in the Spirit, I will continue to walk by faith, He will take me where I need to go!
Galatians 5:16
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Colossians 2:6
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,
Let us all walk in the Spirit, let us put aside the desires of the flesh and press forward into the will of God!

My Path

I realized today that since I retired my India blog many people who know me now know very little about the Karen who once was and the journey from lost to found, from broken to restored, from hopeless to being given the greatest miracle of my life.

I was a prodigal son to say the least, but God reached down to me at my most broken and pulled me into His promises and purpose!  As a pro-life missionary many may not know that God gave us our miracle through IVF, and although I understand (and support) the pro-life communities stand on IVF I also know that God used this to give us a miracle He promised.  Due to my strong held beliefs on protecting all human life, never again would we pursue IVF. Our daughter, regardless of her manner of conception was and is a miracle and her story has reached many hearts.

I do not agree with the throwing away of life that often happens in IVF but we had 6 embryos and all 6 were implanted and I would have carried all 6 had God granted me that.  Also I believe that man can put egg and sperm together but man can not create life, I believe only God can grant life into that combination.  I look forward to meeting my 5 babies in Heaven and I wish that I could have known them all in this life.  I share this to show the miraculous ways that God works in our lives, this is our journey.  This was the start of God revealing the ministry He had planned.  Before this all happened I sat on the "I wouldn't have an abortion but who am I to tell others they can't" fence.  After I carried and gave birth to my daughter I knew that all lives absolutely had to be protected!  Here are links to that time in my life....

(For some reason the links won't hyperlink so copy and paste into your browser)
The beginning:

The Miracle revealed

Her name is Ella Mae