Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The journey for LIFE

Today the A-Cross America Relay kicked off in the US.  This relay is a powerful time of prayer, running, and raising awareness.  I love that I can be part of it by running remote relay miles here in Fiji to cover uncovered legs in the US.  I look forward to it each year and love logging these redemptive miles.  Today I had 8 miles to run and with a tropical cyclone headed our way I knew that I was going to have to make a decision.  I could put off running and wait until the weather cleared or I could put a smile on my face and run in the rain.  I chose the rain!  The fact of the matter is that I don't run for fitness, although that is a nice side effect, I run for God.  If I didn't run for God, for His purpose and His ministry there is no way you would see me out running on a day like today.  I run because its a gift and I am using it for His kingdom.  I run because it is a time of fellowship for me with God.  I run to be an example to the rest of my teammates here in Fiji, so they can see that rain or shine I'm ALL IN!  I run because I made a commitment to LIFE Runners and to God.

God provides, that is all I can say about it.  Although I ran for an hour and a half soaked to the bone I don't have one blister to show for it.  Praise God!  I have to run my 20 miler in a few days so I was worried that running in wet shoes would give me blisters that could make running the long run challenging, but God answered my request faithfully and protected my feet.  As I ran I couldn't help but think of the truth that we don't get ideal situations in life all of the time.  I can't remember the last time I ran a race that was in perfect weather.  I also know that women facing crisis pregnancies are surrounded by things that make their situation less than ideal.  The problem is that instead of finding solutions to the road blocks they are encouraged to take the life of their unborn.  That is not a solution, it completely bypasses what the problems were in the first place.  A real solution comes when we help women solve the crisis and still choose life!

NARAL threw a massive fit this week at a Super Bowl commercial for Doritos.  Their complete meltdown on the fact that this commercial "humanized the fetus" really opened the window of truth to those that think that people like NARAL have women's best interest in mind.  That simply isn't true.  See NARAL has lost touch with reality!  Doritos was not pushing an agenda, they weren't speaking a pro-life message, they were trying to sell Doritos.  Truth finds its way into the open in such random ways simply because it is truth!  Doritos wasn't trying to "humanize fetuses' because there is no need to humanize a human!  Fetuses are human and that is an obvious fact that no one except these short sighted abortion advocates can't seem to understand!  A fetus will always be a human, that is its very nature.  No need to humanize what is already human, that just comes naturally!  Pro-abortion advocates entire argument is based on their emotional points and the only way to continue that narrative is to de-humanize the unborn.  They cannot accept that the unborn are human until the mother decides that they want the unborn, but science doesn't work that way, its not emotionally driven.  At the moment of conception a unique brand new life starts, that is not an emotional conclusion, that is not a religious belief that is scientific fact!

The same way that the protesters didn't come out in mass groups this year to the pro-life marches and walks due to weather is the same reason they can not win this!  We are fighting for life and we will defend it until every single life is safe.  We have the staying power because we know we are standing for truth not emotion.  We truly do "love them both" and we stand for the women and men broken by past abortions, we stand for the siblings who are missing a brother or sister, we stand for the pregnant, alone and scared women who feel trapped by circumstance.  We stand because we are called to and we cant back down!

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word of God.  Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not.  Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.

Standing up for truth is not something that we feel like doing, its something we are commanded to do.  We don't get to pick if the time is right, the time is now and always.  We stand peacefully and patiently to continue spreading the culture of life, but we will not be pushed around, we are also called to rebuke these wrong ideas.

So for the next 40 days LIFE Runners all over the world will put on our bold blue jerseys proclaiming "REMEMBER the Unborn, Jer 1:5" and we will walk run and pray in the rain, in the wind, in the snow, in the hot and in the cold because this is our mission and the roads are our mission field.  Until every child is safe in the womb and every woman is protected from the lie of abortion.  Women do not achieve their dreams by destroying life, they don't get ahead by denying their body's ability to foster the miracle of life.  Women get ahead by facing difficult circumstances and standing tall in the face of the struggle, and we will be there to stand with them!  We don't end abortion by making it illegal, we end abortion by removing the need!  We end abortion by changing the hearts and minds of every last man and woman who are blinded to the truth that life is never a mistake!

All IN Christ for Pro-LIFE!

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