Friday, January 15, 2016

Women for Women

If the message of feminism is to empower women, to encourage them to reach for the stars and let nothing hold them back, to never let anyone stand in the way of a dream or ambition, and to always ensure equality amongst all genders then today's pro-choice feminists have completely missed the point!

We don't empower women by telling them that they are not strong enough to face a challenge.  We don't empower women by telling them the only way to get through something tough is to run from it, and we certainly don't help women by telling them the only way to reach their dreams and ambitions is to end the life of their unborn child!  Abortion hurts women, it destroys not only the unborn but breaks something in the women who chooses her own desires over the life of another.  If today's feminists truly stand for women then they should rally around these mothers in peril and help encourage them.  They should show them that they are in fact strong enough, brave enough, and more then capable of choosing life.  That empowers women!  A woman is able to rise above her circumstances and be more then she ever thought she could.  Maybe in the end she will choose adoption for her child, but that act of selflessness empowers a woman far more then ending a precious life.  Its time for the root of feminism to be revisited by women.  The feminism I see represented today is a far cry from those brave women who long ago paved the way for equality.

I am a woman and I can say that 90% of today's feminists do not in any way represent my view on women and the world.  They have lost the point and direction and it makes me sad.  We don't need to emasculate men to be empowered women.  We don't need to prove ourselves to anyone and we certainly need to stop fighting each other!  The nonsense of stay at home moms vs working moms, breast vs bottle, attachment parenting, co sleeping, spanking or not, these are not areas to judge each other and draw lines.  As women we need to be unified, and we aren't!  I am a stay at home mom, that is a gift as far as I am concerned.  I have had a career and for me being a stay at home wife and mother is the best job I have ever had.  I can respect that it is not for every mom and I applaud working women, but for me it is the only way.  We make sacrifices to have me stay home, we had to move to the other side of the world to be able to afford it, but God provided a job and a loving Christian school for my daughter to attend.  There are days where going to work would seem so much easier to me, but I am thankful that I get these 18 years at home with Ella Mae.  I am a wife who respects her husbands role as head of household.  That means that in the end my husband calls the shots, and you know what, that is the way it is supposed to be.  You know why I can submit to him?  Because we live in a marriage of mutual respect and he listens to my opinion and view and takes everything into consideration.  We pray about things, we talk about things, we love and respect each other and I will never apologize for being a wife who loves, honors, and obeys her husband. This is how I teach my daughter to be a strong woman, by being an example of a strong, empowered woman.

The family structure has been attacked over and over again, and its not men who are destroying the family structure, it is women who are so blinded by feminism that they can not see that women and men have different rolls for a reason.  In most cases women are emotionally driven and men are logical.  Sorry ladies, its true.  When push comes to shove men will view a situation in a logical manner while we work it out with our hearts.  The blend is important, it is part of the design.  It is also the reason why God established marriage between a man and a women.  We compliment each other, we accent each other, and when we work as a team with Christ in the middle we are unstoppable.

If women want to stand up for women, it is time to stop telling women that they only way to handle an unplanned pregnancy is to end the life of the unborn.  Its time to remind women just how strong and courageous they are, that nothing can stand in the way of their dreams if they just take a moment to breathe, seek council, and trust in the Lord for guidance.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through him who gives me strength.

If we want to help our sisters, then we need to love them in their circumstances.  Instead of a quick fix (although I do not believe there is anything quick fix about abortion), we need to help them face their fears and concerns and give them options they can live with.  Options that empower them and don't harm them.  Women are hurt by abortion, they may hide from that hurt, they may repress that hurt, but sooner or later it will overwhelm them in one way or another.  Post abortion women face major struggles with depression and often times physical problems.  Even worse those who encouraged them to abort often wont help them through their regret or pain because they have worked so hard to convince people that there is nothing immoral about abortion, that they cannot understand the emotional pain a woman may feel after.  When women leave an abortion clinic they are left with little or no support.  You know where those hurting women find solace?  At crisis pregnancy centers, surrounded by those who gently tried to persuade them not to take the life of the unborn.  As pro-life missionaries we welcome those broken by abortion.  We are there to walk them through the destruction and trauma they have experienced.  No judgement awaits the hurting post abortion woman, only encouragement and support.  Its time for women to take a stand for life and stop peddling death!  A woman can overcome her circumstances without taking the life of an innocent.  A woman in an unplanned pregnancy is strong enough, is brave enough, is more than able to choose life and that is a decision everyone can live with!

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