Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Be the Light

I honestly can't wrap my mind around this, logically it just doesn't make sense to me...

The other day I watched this video of this women who walked into a restaurant and began talking and crying about her little girl who was abused, held captive, and so on and so forth and in the end she made her talking point by announcing that the restaurant the people were dining in was the cause, because her little girl was a chicken and the eggs and meat the customers were consuming was causing the murder and abuse.  OK, I get it, some chicken farms are not great places and many animals are not treated properly and you know what that is sad and it needs to be changed, but man I wish society could have this much passion about our own unborn.

What caught me during her emotional speech was her claim that they needed to stop eating the eggs.  This then turned my mind back to the protected turtle egg nests that if you disturb you can face jail time and a hefty fine, again my mind is spinning. Look, I'm an animal lover, I hate to see animals hurting and abused and I have helped and donated where I can to some of these very important causes, but I think we need a reality check.

If this woman can see that a chicken egg is life, if the law can see that a turtle egg is life, then how do we turn a blind eye to our very own unborn's life.  Our babies are being killed buy the thousands daily yet we don't even get upset about it, no we applaud these mothers killing their children for exercising their rights.  Well this leaves me curious, if a woman has a right to murder her unborn baby simply because they share the same body, then is it OK for a conjoined twin to murder her sibling because they share a body?  I'm pretty sure that is unthinkable to us, that it would be called murder.  I am blown away that we as women somehow think that the laws that God passed down don't apply to us, that we somehow get a special pass on this one law, thou shall not kill.  Murder your toddler, bad, murder your 24 week old unborn baby, not bad.  That's insane and the fact that we don't see the wrong in that shows how fallen we truly are.

Lets get real, If the Pro-abortion movement spent half as much energy tending to the needs of these scared mothers as they do trying to push the agenda of death we might actually see the need for abortion diminish. The key is to walk side by side with these mothers and eliminate the crisis not the life of a precious child.  The manner of conception does not determine someones worth.  If your are genetically perfect or flawed it does not change your value.  We can hide behind all the reasons that we dig up but truth is truth.  Life begins at conception so this lump of cells concept is just a way to ease a guilty conscience.  Women's rights?  How about the fact that abortion leaves women in destruction, broken, hurting and no one willing to pick up the pieces because after an abortion these women have paid their money and are tossed away.  The only ones who truly care about them are the ones begging them to keep their babies.  It has nothing to do with wanting to force someone into doing something they don't want to do, it has to do with slowing down life long enough for the mother to really think about what she is doing and if she can live with that.  Statistically women choose life if reached out to by just one person willing to help.  Planned parenthood won't show a mother the ultrasound of their baby because they know once a mother sees that tiny miracle bouncing around they largely choose life.  Yes, there are some women out there who walk away from abortion feeling proud of their choice, but I question the shape their heart is truly in.

I have heard some say that killing the baby that was conceived in rape gave the women power, but based on the responses of women who are surveyed the opposite has been proved.  In most cases women who kill the innocent baby conceived in rape actually walk away feeling more damaged and raped all over again, where as the women that choose to keep or give up these innocent children for adoption find healing in choosing good to conquer evil and do not regret their choice.  You wouldn't ask the judge to let you murder the 4 year old daughter of the man who raped you to get your revenge, and if you would, I strongly urge you to get help because there is something deeply broken in you.  The darkness can never be broken by more darkness, you need light for that!

I believe without a doubt that as more hearts are turned towards life, as more and more abortion mills shut their door forever, that we have a chance to change the fate for women.  I believe that for every abortion clinic that closes two Pregnancy Resource Centers need to be opened, that if we can surround our scared and hurting women with love, options, and compassion that the need for abortion will be eliminated.  The worst thing we can do is to shut down these life saving clinics when the abortion clinics close their doors.  We have an obligation to these women to offer them the love and support they need to keep choosing life, to keep seeking the truth, to give every child a chance to feel the warm sun on their face, to fill our broken land with laughter.  This requires us to step up and step out, to volunteer and make donations to these life saving clinics.  I believe as the tides change, which they are, that we will begin to heal as a nation when we truly begin to value life from conception...

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