Monday, February 3, 2014

Running in the Snow

Spiritual strongholds come in many forms and this weekend I realized there were areas in my life that I was letting the enemy place fear.  Fear that would keep me from Gods purpose, fear that could be crippling, literally at times.  This weekend those strongholds were shattered as I fell at Gods feet and gave them humbly to him.

I have been struggling with an IT band injury for over a year now.  What was most perplexing about this injury is even when I did all the right things, rest, strengthening, massage, and TLC it refused to heal.  I am a LIFE Runner chapter leader, running is a huge part of the ministry God has called me to.  As I continued to seek and pray on other things God asked my why I haven't asked for prayers of healing over my injury.  It got me to thinking, I had asked for prayer but never asked for anyone to pray healing prayer over me. Why?  I had no problem asking for prayers and had no problem asking and praying for healing for others, and yet at every alter call I sat back.  God wanted me to give this to him and ask a faithful prayer partner to pray.  So on Saturday night I went forward and we anointed my knee and hip with oil and prayed in faith that I was healed.  I explained that I really don't know why I had never asked to be healed before and she said it is humbling. The truth sunk in, God needed me to humble myself before Him and truly trust Him to heal my body. I've also realized that I never asked God to heal it because I felt it was insignificant in comparison.  Im not dying of some terrible disease or suffering a crippling illness, but what this has taught me is that to God my healing is just as important and he wanted me to give it to him.

This morning I drove to the gym because it was 11F out and snowing and I wanted to run.  I asked God to remove any fear an doubt and to give me complete faith in His healing.  I ran the first mile on the treadmill and it was great, I had no anxiety, no fear, and most importantly, no pain.  As I watched the snow fall out the window I quietly said "All for you God" and I turned off my treadmill, put on my LIFE Runners jacket and ran in the cold and snow.  I have never smiled so big as I did running that additional 1.5 miles in the freezing cold with no hat or gloves.  In the past hills were a big problem for my knee so in faith I ran up and down big hills with out giving up and still no pain!  I am healed, there is no pain left, there is no fear, the enemy has lost!  I am a LIFE Runner and I will continue to run for God until He himself asks me to slow down!

This weekend was an amazing weekend of all things spiritual.  I will try to explain but honestly words can not give God his due in the amazing way he works.

God had laid something on my heart a week or so back that I had been struggling with.  It was something microscopic but my heart felt urgency towards it.  As I gave it to God and watched His purpose unfold I can honestly say it was powerful and amazing.  God was at work in others hearts as he was in mine and as each piece fell into place and we came together to discuss the outcome it was like the light of God shown down on our conversation.  We both had been led by God in the same direction without any knowledge or understanding of the combined purpose God was putting into place.  I know that none of what I am saying here makes sense and as I said, unless you were there to watch it unfold I simply cannot explain it.  I will say that when God puts something in your heart and you are obedient you honestly have no idea how your obedience may be answering someones prayer or bringing God's plan into completion.  This was a very small issue, it literally was over the changing of 4 simple words if I remember correctly, but in changing those 4 simple words I believe it has opened huge doors for God's ministry! God called me out of my comfort zone and instead of sitting silently I did as he asked and found that all he had wanted was my obedience, he had already done the work.

When God calls you to serve him, which he does with all of his people, then you can expect two things to happen for sure.  You will be met by enemy opposition and God will deliver you and provide for your every need.  You can rest in his promises and find boldness for him in the battle!

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12 NIV)

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