Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Grow In Faith

Let’s be honest, times of trial are hard and uncomfortable and it can be difficult to shift our focus from the problems to the growth. Sometimes it’s hard to see how God might use all that you face to bring about good things but He can and will if we just press in!

“We need occasional mountaintop experiences, but the fertile soil for growth is always down in the valleys of tribulation, not on the mountaintops.” ~Neil T. Anderson

A muscle that is not offered any resistance or use will become weak, but a muscle that is pushed out of its comfort zone, a muscle that meets resistance will be strengthened! It doesn’t feel good at the time, but afterwards the result of strength and growth is evident as the muscle is able to take on a heavier load. The Lord is our strength, He helps us as we grow as our faith is tested.

We make it through the valleys we face, the trials and struggles by remembering the mountaintops! We don’t look at the problems but remember all of the things God has already done, knowing that He will help us once more. Taking time to reflect on all of the ways God has helped us in the past renews our heart of thanksgiving and sets us in a place of worship as He walks us through the trial. 

“He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭1:3‬ 

The rivers that feed the valley come from the mountain tops. This refreshing comes to us and renews our strength. God is our source of everything in every season! The valley is a fertile place because of the rivers, God takes us to where we can grow. God pours out upon us, He is generous in His love for us and cares for us without fail. The valley is not a place to fear, we can choose to rejoice when God allows our faith to be tested, because in the testing we are strengthened! 

If we stayed on the mountaintop we would not have the ability to grow. Our work that we are called to do, to reach the world with the message of hope in Jesus, cannot be done from the mountaintop. The valleys are our training field and our testimony is one of our greatest weapons against the enemy! 

“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your doings; I muse on the work of Your hands.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:5‬ ‭

Take time today to look back at all God has done for you and rejoice that He will take care of you in what you face today!

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