Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cloud On the Mountain

Today as I did a short run with my husband in the middle of my marathon training I was awed by the sight of a cloud resting on the mountain of the sleeping giant.  It was beautiful, so peaceful, so relaxing, and then I started to ponder it.

What was it like inside that cloud.  Was it so foggy that the people trapped in it could barely see, was it storming, was it scary...

It really opened my eyes to the trials of life as we walk in faith in Christ.  Often times we find ourselves stuck in these "clouds" sometimes they disorient us and we don't know which way to turn, other times they terrify us with the uncertainty of what is next, they can cripple us with not knowing when it will lift.  Praise God he has a greater view of our cloud and he knows what we need to get through it, HIM.

From my view the cloud was peaceful, and from Gods view he can clearly see what way you need to go, how far you have to go, and how long until the cloud will lift.  We can't see the big picture, but those clouds always bring growth.  They teach us endurance, patience, faith, and surrender to God.

I don't know what trial each person faces, but I do know that no matter what cloud you find yourself in God has the answers.  Instead of stumbling around in the dark, or fighting against the storm the safest place is to come to our knees and ask him where to go and what to do.  I struggle with this, I often rage against the storm for a bit and then exhausted under the weight of my own addition to the problem I come to God humble.  I am trying to learn to come to God humbly first instead of freaking out.  I pray that God will teach me patience, and that my faith will deepen.

We may never understand all of our clouds, but I am certain that each one had a perfect purpose in my life and that I am more of the woman he wants me to be each day because of them.  No one likes storms, no one likes trials, but they are part of growth.

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds."  John 12:24

Growth is painful, as a Christian we are called to die to our fleshly desires and ways.  I believe trials strip away the flesh and help us to let go of parts of us that are contrary to God.  No one likes to be stripped down, no one likes to be refined, it can be painful, but in the end you are better for it.  I am so thankful that I have an all knowing, loving God who looks at my cloud and sees the beauty waiting on the other side....

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