Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I Hate Cancer


This last week my heart has grown heavier and heavier over the devastation of cancer as more and more prayer requests come in from people affected by cancer!  I hate that my sweet friend Anna has to mourn her precious brother and sister in law who lost their battle with skin cancer.  I hate that my Mom had to have life altering surgery to prevent impending cancer.  I hate that my Mom and my sister both continuously have to have large pieces of their body removed as they battle skin cancer.  I hate that I lost my grandma to lung cancer.  I hate that I know people who are fighting for their lives right now from all forms of cancer.  I hate that there are so many mourning family members left behind when their loved ones lose the battle to cancer.  I HATE CANCER!

I was running today and my heart was overwhelmed with the word cancer.  I couldn't help but choke up every time I simply thought of the word.  Its a devastating word.  As I ran and prayed for all of the people listed above God opened my eyes to another kind of "cancer."  The "cancer" that all of us face.  It is a "cancer" that guarantees death, it will take your very life if left untreated.  It is also a "cancer" that has a cure, a 100% no fail cure.  You would think that if we all knew that we had a "cancer" like this and there was a cure that everyone would race for the cure but in fact a lot of people refuse the cure.  They feel like it restricts their lives too much, but the cure is waiting none the less.  What is this "cancer" we all have?  SIN!  What is the cure for this "cancer"? JESUS CHRIST!

Sin consumes us from the inside out.  If left untreated it will corrupt and destroy every part of you.  Sin separates us from God and promises an eternity apart from Him if left in our lives.  God didn't want to lose a single one of us to sin so He sent his son to pay the price for our sin on the cross.  We only have to believe in Him and we will be set free from its destruction, guaranteed a place in eternity with God.  Of course to truly except this gift it will be impossible for your life to remain the same.  The cure will change you as the Holy Spirit has His way in you.  You will no longer seek after things of this world as you once did.  You will now recognize sin as it tries to sneak back into your life, and with repentance in your heart you will turn from it.  That is what happens when God gets a hold of us.  He breaks the sin in our lives, He gives us a fresh start!  If God cured you from lung cancer today I can assume the first thing you wouldn't do is pick up a cigarette.  Well its the same with redemption.  When God extends the His grace of the shed blood of Jesus over your life he makes you brand new.  If you truly accept this grace then you will not desire to return back to the way of the flesh.  That is not to say that you will never sin again, but your desire to avoid sin should be overwhelming!

I am so thankful that God set me free from my sins, that He broke its power over my life and that every day He shows me what He is working on in me.  I have been cured and that makes me want to live my life fully committed to Him and His purpose for me!

I pray for my friends, loved ones, and strangers who battle cancer that God might heal them and help them through their pain and struggle.  I will never stop praying for them.  I will also never stop praying for those who are still drowning in their own sins.  Praying for those who have not yet met Jesus Christ and His amazing promise of redemption.  God has the answer and I pray that they will receive it and be healed!

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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