Saturday, April 19, 2014

Grace Filled Easter

This has been a powerful week, well powerful actually doesn't even scratch the surface, but for lack of a better word we will go with powerful.  I have been online so much for the last 40 days with posting pictures and updates for LIFE Runners and the A-Cross America Relay that on Sunday, the final day of this epic Pro-Life journey I felt God call me to begin a fast until Easter.  This is only the second time I have ever fasted, and God laid specific areas on my heart to seek his will over.  These areas were residual bondage from my past and I had been wrestling with them.  I submitted to God and I began my fast and sought his face on these issues.

Amazing, Powerful, Almighty, Grace filled, Loving, Forgiving, Kind hearted, FAITHFUL!  God answered me in ways I never imagined.  He showed me things that I had not even been able to see in my own blind sightedness and He called me to submit to Him fully.  It was terrifying to finally surrender and say "I trust you completely even though the road ahead looks scary, I know you have me in your hands and I surrender to your will."  The PEACE that followed me finally submitting fully to Him was unexplainable and then I allowed the Holy Spirit to do spring cleaning on my heart and soul and through complete faith and obedience every stronghold was broken.  I was completely set free and the weight of the world was lifted from me.  I could write pages of all the amazing ways that God has ministered to me this week, all the things He has showed me about myself and all of the things He has allowed others to show me about myself.  Brand new doesn't even explain how I feel.  I am more than brand new, I am a completely different person.  This week I faced my past, I finally gave it fully over to God, I accepted the forgiveness that He has given me, I forgave myself and together God and I closed the door and locked it.  I handed God the key and I took that first step forward into the next chapter of His will over my life.  I am so thankful for my Mom who spent much time in conversation and prayer with me helping me to work through things and helping me to accept the forgiveness that God has given me.  This week I have had faithful prayer partners who have revealed to me how they see me, and now I have a glimpse of what I look like to God, never before had I been able to view myself that way.  God surrounded me, literally engulfed me this week and gave me the sanctuary in Him and in His word and His will.  Yesterday as I drove through town I followed a car with a Christian fish on it and as I returned home I followed another car with the same fish.  It was as if He was reminding me that He was near and that He has big plans for my family that nothing will stand in the way of.  He ignited a new desire for ministry and the calling He has planned for our family.  Although it has not all been revealed I have so much hope in Him.

So today as I was at the bank the woman wished me "a nice weekend" and I said back "have a Happy Easter."  It was in that very moment that I realized that "Happy Easter" doesn't even come close to giving reverence to what Easter is.  "Have a Grace filled Easter" or "A blessed Easter" are maybe a little bit closer but honestly if you have ever been touched by Grace-true, deep, loving, forgiving, embracing Grace then you are aware that Easter is so much more than we often admit it is.

Christ died on the cross. He didn't just die, He came to us an innocent man, the son of God who was brutally beaten and then crucified all for our salvation.  He died for our sins, for those nailing him to the cross, for those sneering while they watched, for those enjoying his suffering, He died for you and for me and NONE of us deserve the sacrifice He made.  It is a free gift, it can't be earned, you can't buy it, nothing you could do could make you deserving of this gift of Grace.  Christ died, but then He broke the power of death and was resurrected on the 3rd day. He ascended into Heaven to be with the Father where He intercedes on our behalf.  You, me, everyone we know can have this free gift of salvation that Christ paid the price for on the cross by simply accepting it!  Its as easy as ABC, A-we first admit that we are sinners, B-believe in our heart that Jesus is God's one and only Son, C-confess before God and man what we believe in our heart.

Romans 10:9-10
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Its easy to take things for granted, but this week has reignited my passion for His purpose over my life and my family.  His Grace has changed me and I don't want anyone to waste one more day hurting or drowning in regret when I know that Grace is right there waiting to deliver us all from our suffering.  I love how Max Lucado puts it in "Facing your giants" he says "Cast your hat in a congregation of folks who are one gift of grace removed from tragedy, addiction, and disaster."  We are the body of Christ, not perfect by any means, just redeemed.  We have been set free from our broken pasts, our sinful choices, our pit of despair all because God loved us so much He made the ultimate sacrifice.  On this Easter I hope that everyone finds the Grace that God is extending....

John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

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