Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us
Suva Marathon has a special place in my heart. It is the only marathon in Fiji and it was the first marathon I ever ran. It is such a high energy and enthusiastic race. This year there were less than 100 marathon runners but over 1,000 runners attending between the full/half/team marathon/10k. Its small enough for intimacy but big enough to be energetic!
The race starts before sunrise and this year we would run a new course so I was nervous because I am always back of the pack at the start. Knowing that we would be running through a park in the dark and not knowing my way made me anxious. I had my headlamp and a few people had torches, but the race coordinators did something outstanding that really made this race stand out to me. They asked anyone with a phone to go into the park and light the way for the runners. On top of onlookers the path inside the park was lined with cadets in white shirts and torches who were standing guard to light the way. I’m getting goosebumps just writing it out. This experience was beyond anything I have experienced before at a race or anywhere to be honest.
As I left the park and started down the darkened street on the course I felt my heart come to a place of understanding. This is what heaven sounds like as we serve and press on down here on earth. The angel armies are cheering us on, they are lighting the way, they are encouraging us. The overflow of it is enough to give you courage in the dark spots and the rough patches! My heart pounded excitedly every time I neared the park because I knew the cheering would start again but I also carried with me the understanding that heaven cheers us on like this all of the time! What a beautiful thought!
Every race teaches me something new, every race experience has something new to offer me, and what I walked away with from this race was BE ENCOURAGED! Heaven is cheering us on as we reach further out with love and compassion to those who are hurting and scared. We “REMEMBER the Unborn” by being focused on the born, by helping mothers, by encouraging fathers, by talking to and praying with those who are struggling.
I run for one reason and one reason only, to serve God in the ministry of LIFE Runners. There is not a single finish line I have crossed on my own strength. God alone has given me the strength to make it through. God alone carries me when I have nothing left to give and it is God alone who receives the glory. I run because God healed my body and called me to a ministry of runners. I run because it makes me rely on Him more and trust my own abilities less. I run because I can and I will until God leads me to stop. I know that every time I walk out the door to train or to race that I am a living billboard of hope to those who need to hear the message of truth. I will run this race marked out before me so that God can continue to refine me, to discipline me, to teach me and to change me!
Psalms 26:2
Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind
This race was hard, it was really hard. My body has not had any time to rest since the start of the year and there is no rest coming until around December as tomorrow I begin training for the Pensacola Marathon. The best moment of the race was when my beautiful daughter took my hand and ran with me across the finish line. Many of our teammates lined the home stretch and my beautiful sisters in Christ, Esther and Mila, ran the flag in behind me. It was the best moment, to be cheered on by loved ones when you are at your last bit of courage! Heaven is always cheering and I will carry that with me forever!
All In Christ for Pro-Life!
**I obtained permission from N Studios Multi Media to post a few of their professional photos. The photos with their website on them are theirs and I want to give them credit.**