As I watched "Hacksaw Ridge" with tears streaming down my face, Desmond Doss' plea to God touched me on a monumentally deep level. I realized in that moment that this should be and is now my daily prayer!
My "battleground" may not be a literal war with guns and bombs, but it is a war that brings death daily to thousands and leaves behind even more broken and wounded survivors. The difference between having an opinion and and having a calling is the deep seated conviction that drives you! My battle to save the unborn and women from abortion is not just something I have an opinion on, it is a passionate, faith driven desire to speak truth into darkness! Not only to protect, but to show those who have been wounded that there is a Savior who passionately loves and cares for them.
I have felt, lately, a brand new urgency to reach those who are broken with Jesus message of hope and to empower those who will listen so that they can be protected from the devastation of abortion before it ever happens. Jesus is the answer to everything! I don't know how many days my life will have, but my prayer will be, "Lord, please help me get one more!"
"Lord, let me reach one more woman in crisis pregnancy who needs to know you. Lord, let me help one more mother choose life. Lord, let me help lead one more abortion scarred woman to your redemptive healing. Lord, let me speak life to one more young woman being pushed to abort. Lord, let me reach one more lost person with your message of salvation. Through every struggle, through every hardship, Lord, please help me to get one more!"
I can't give up, because this isn't about me, this is about those headed to slaughter. I won't give up because I have seen the faces of those who chose death and the way it broke them. I won't quit because I have held sobbing women in my arms who felt hopeless. I will never stop pressing forward, because I have seen the eyes of the unborn babies who were saved and they way their parents were protected from the harm that would have come had they chosen to end their babies life. Until abortion is unthinkable and every life has value from conception until death I won't give up, I won't back down, and I will never stop fighting! This is why God called me out of my broken life into the light and this is what I will spend the rest of my days doing, serving God, women, the unborn and families!